A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue. only call const members of the object, you can not implicitly convert it to non-const, and you cannot perform non-const operations on its members. A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue

 only call const members of the object, you can not implicitly convert it to non-const, and you cannot perform non-const operations on its membersA non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue  You can change the parameter type to const char* in or const char* const & in if in won't be modified in UTF8toWide() , or use a named variable instead

A non-const reference can be used to change the value of the variable it is referring to. That's not it. ) But there is no way to show me how to solve it;You may modify a non-const object through a non-const reference. Const reference can be bounded to. y()) < std::tie(b. obj in f is an lvalue expression, and will therefore be treated as such. Hot Network Questions Identifying traffic signals for colour blind peopleBut thinking further about it, I think it might be OK :-) Imagine there were three consts (not just two) in const Array &operator=( const Array & ) const; The last const is unacceptable, as it can't even modify itself. Lvalue references to const can be bound to. int const (& crb)[3] = b; here we have reference to array of const int, we can also write const int (& crb)[3] = b; It would be the same. However, the result of that conversion is an rvalue - it is a temporary object. You can normally hide the expression template type behind private members. Jun 17, 2016 at 3:16. The reference returned from get_value is bound to x which is an l-value, and that's allowed. end()) is a temporary object and cannot be bound to lvalue reference. , temporary) double but a temporary cannot be bound to a non-const reference. “An old special-case permits an rvalue to be bound to an lvalue reference to non-const type when that reference is the. If you want to work with rvalues, perhaps use an rvalue reference. This won't work. cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type to an rvalue of type 0 Implementation of the decorator class in C++ using a member reference to the decorated object not working as expected 12. –Most of the time you don't want a non-const lvalue reference to refer to some temporary object. On the contrary, rvalues can be bound to const lvalue references. warning C4239: nonstandard extension used: 'default argument': conversion from 'std::shared_ptr' to 'std::shared_ptr &'. Now it makes actually sense to take its address, as it is an lvalue for all intents and purposes. Mar 22, 2013 at 18:39. Rule: lvalue, rvalue, const or non-const objects can bind to const lvalue parameters. That is special syntax for a so-called forwarding reference. GetImage (iTileId, pulImageSize, a_pImage ); With the method defined as:This change is required by the C++ standard which specifies that a non-const. You switched accounts on another tab or window. "A reference to type 'cv1 T1' is initialized" refers to the variable that is being initialized, not to the expression in its initializer. 5. So if this is in the type Object:So we have a reference being initialized by an xvalue of type const foo. 25th May 2022, 8:44 AM. The term “identity” is used by the C++ standard, but is not well-defined. m. For sure, string{""} shall have an address somewhere in memory. If an rvalue could bind to a non-const lvalue reference, then potentially many modifications could be done that would eventually be discarded (since an rvalue is temporary), this being useless. It expects an lvalue reference parameter. The method forward has const in its parameter, so the int& version should have the parameter const int& t. Rvalue references should be unconditionally cast to rvalues when forwarding them to other functions: void sink (ConcreteType&& ct) // can only be called on rvalues { collection. Essentially, a mechanism is needed to distinguish between values that can be moved from, and those that cannot be moved from (i. Because a reference to a non-const value can only bind to a modifiable lvalue (essentially a non-const variable), this means that pass by reference only works with arguments that are modifiable lvalues. Non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue. Share. GetCollider(); platform1. 1/4 of N3337:. { A res; res. Early on, when we teach modern C++, we teach that every non-small 1 data should be passed, by default, as constant reference: 1. R-value: r-value” refers to data value that is stored at some address in memory. const auto& refInstance = m_map. A operator*(const A& a) const { A res; res. 1. A reference is only allowed to bind to a lvalue. We can take the address of an lvalue, but not of an rvalue. A temporary can only bind to const lvalue references, or rvalue references. It can appear only on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. There are several (very constrained) circumstances in which the compiler, with language extensions enabled, will still allow a non-const lvalue reference to bind to an rvalue expression. int x; int&& r = x; but also. E may not have an anonymous union member. Allowing non-const references to bind to r-values leads to extremely confusing code. r-value:-. The call would bind to f(int&&). operator[] . Improve this question. i. Of course since methods can be called on rvalue (and thus prvalue) and those methods may return a reference to the objects they were called on we can easily bypass the silly (1) a reference is only allowed to bind to a lvalue restriction. Note that for const auto& foo, const is qualified on the auto part, i. The compiler automatically generates a temporary that the reference is bound to. Potentially related articles: Overload resolution between object, rvalue reference, const reference; std::begin and R-values; For a STL container C, std::begin(C) and similar access functions including std::data(C) (since C++17) are supposed to have the same behavior of C::begin() and the other corresponding C's methods. a nonconst reference could only binded to lvalue. 5). The following code fragment illustrates the binding preferences: Why do we use rvalue reference in reference wrapper? Because reference_wrapper is only meant to store references to lvalues, the standard disables. The second difference is that you are only legally allowed to bind a const reference, which means that the function cannot modify the object. Non-const lvalue reference to type '_wrap_iter' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type '_wrap_iter' c++;. Non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue. What you want is in 40two's answer, but make sure to forward the parameter t. The language forbids that sort of binding for various reasons. 흔히 rvalue reference와 구별하기 위해 기존의 reference를 lvalue reference라고 부릅니다. It's just that non-const lvalue references can't bind to rvalues, so the can never be used that way. It's the specific case where changing T& to const T& does more than just ban modifications. Now, that the prvalue has an indeterminate lifetime, it is. Now, when printValue(x) is called, lvalue reference parameter y is bound to argument x. 124 Non const lvalue references. An rvalue can be bound to an rvalue reference (T&&) to prolong its lifetime, and to lvalue references to const (const T&), but not to plain lvalue references (T&). This won't work. Fun fact: /W3 is set. Only const lvalue references (in C++98 and C++11) or rvalue references (in C++11 only) can. What you probably want is: BYTE *pImage = NULL; x. This extends the lifetime of the temporary: base * const &rp = (base*)p; Or bind the reference to an lvalue: base * b = p; base * &rp = b; Share. This way, if the user passes in a U as an lvalue, it will be passed as U&, and if the user passes in a U as an rvalue, it will be passed as U&&. . Improve this answer. and forwards messages that it receives to that object. In the previous lesson ( 12. The option -qlanglvl=compatrvaluebinding instructs the compiler to allow a. 2. */ } And called the function with: foo (createVector ()); It'd work fine. int const&x = 42; // It's ok. A reference is supposed to work a lot like a pointer in a sense. The relevant part of the standard is in [class. However, this is deceptive, because it may or may not be an rvalue reference depending on the type of T. an lvalue, this constructor cannot be used, so the compiler is forced to use. non-const lvalue reference to type 'int' cannot bind to a. I've encountered a very weird warning that, although compiles fine on windows, fails to compile for Symbian through CodeWarrior. This approach does not work for two reasons: First, because we modify the source object, we have to pass it as a non-const reference. 3. It seems perfectly reasonable for the standard to have been that a temporary is created, and dropped at the end of the function's execution (as you currently have to manually do). 3 The initialization of non-const reference. I have to think for a while-_-!. To produce an xvalue, i. 1. , you may only want to hold on to a const Bar*, in which case you then can also only pass a const Bar*) Using a const Bar& as parameter type is bound to result in a runtime crash sooner rather than later because:The C++ Standard (2003) indicates that an rvalue can only be bound to a const non-volatile lvalue reference. e. By the way, don’t return const values from a function, because you make it impossible to use move semantics. g. The only difference (that I see) is that x2 knows it only has 3 rows, whereas x1 has a dynamic number of rows. Non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue. 6. An rvalue may be used to initialize a const lvalue [ rvalue] reference, in which case the lifetime of the object identified by the rvalue is extended until the scope of the reference ends. There are exceptions, however. Fibonacci Series in C++. , int and const int are similar, int* const ** volatile and volatile int** const * are similar, and crucially int* and. What I have seen however is that you can bind an rvalue to an rvalue reference and since a named rvalue reference is inherently an lvalue, you can bind it to an lvalue reference. That is to say, usage of a reference is syntactically identical to usage of the referent. 1 1 1. , cv1 shall be const), or the reference shall be an rvalue reference. Apparently, the Standard agrees. It reflects the old, not the new. But that doesn't make sense. including the case where an lvalue is provided, it cannot modify its input (at least not the one bound to the x parameter) - if it did, it would violate the semantics. Only local const references prolong the lifespan. A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue[/quote] 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0. e. The only way to safely bind an rvalue to an lvalue is either by. Thus the declaration doesn't have a. Consider another last example: const int&& r2 = static_cast<int&&>(0); The same wording as above applies: The initializer expression is an rvalue (xvalue) and cv1 T1 (const int) is reference-compatible with cv2 T2 (int). If an rvalue is passed to factory, then an rvalue will be passed to T's constructor with the help of the forward function. ;, x is an lvalue denoting a float whose value is the result of converting a to double and back. Given all three functions, this call is ambiguous. clang++ says: " error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'class foo' cannot bind to a temporary of type 'class foo'" Change foo. std::vector<bool> does not return a bool&, but nevertheless this is completely fine: std::vector<bool> x{0,0,0}; x. , cv1 shall be const), or the reference shall be an rvalue reference. Add a comment. But since it's a non-const reference, it cannot bind to an rvalue. Reload to refresh your session. 0; // error: not an lvalue and reference not const int i = 2; double& rd3 = i; // error: type mismatch and reference not const —end example]A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue[/quote] 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0. In the following copy-initialization contexts, a move. Unlike a reference to non-const (which can only bind to modifiable lvalues), a reference to const can bind to modifiable lvalues, non-modifiable lvalues, and rvalues. print(); This one matches the third constructor, and moves the value inside of the storage. 3. Calling a non-static member function of class X on an object that is not of type X, or of a type derived from X invokes undefined behavior. 3/5, [dcl. An rvalue may be used to initialize a const lvalue [ rvalue] reference, in which case the lifetime of the object identified by the rvalue is extended until the scope of the reference ends. 4. A temporary or an rvalue cannot be changed with a reference to non-const. You can pass lvalues to functions taking rvalues as arguments (tested using a C++ editor). static_cast<typename remove_reference<T>::type&&> (t) The result of the function call is an rvalue (specifically, an xvalue ), so it can be bound to an rvalue reference where the function argument couldn't. Explanation: const lvalue indicates that the callee wants a read-only view of the object and it does not matter what type of object the caller pass as the argument. rvalues can be residing on read-only memory spaces where changing them might not be allowable and hence the compiler prohibits them. Visual C++ is non-compliant with the standard in allowing binding of temporaries to non-const lvalue references. When the first element of the pair is declared as const, you can't bind a non-const rvalue reference (std::string&&) to it. The reason for this is mostly convenience: It. It's not against the rules in C++ to use a non-const reference but I think it lends to massive confusion and potential bugs. A reference to type “cv1 T1” is initialized by an expression of type. All (lvalue, rvalue, const, non-const) -> const lvalue. Sometimes even for the original developer, but definitely for future maintainers. The lifetime extension is not transitive through a. The core of your question is: can rvalues be bound to non-const lvalue references?. The following example shows the function g, which is overloaded to take an lvalue reference and an rvalue. So if the function binds to a rvalue reference, what is seen at the end by the compiler for a certain type T is: std::is_rvalue_reference<T>::value. The whole idea of forwarding is to accept any value category and preserve it for future calls. void foo(int& x)) and then complaining that you can't call foo(5). There is no such thing as a const rvalue, since an rvalue permits a "destructive read". Only a named modifiable object. An entity (such as an object or function) that has. This rule does not reflect some underlying. The C++ standard does not allow the binding of an anonymous temporary to a reference, although some compilers allow it as an extension. MSVC has an "extension that allows that. The Rvalue refers to a value stored at an address in the memory. There are several (very constrained) circumstances in which the compiler, with language extensions enabled, will still allow a non-const lvalue reference to bind to an rvalue expression. Other situations call for other needs, but today we will focus on constant references. Because a reference to a non-const value can only bind to a modifiable lvalue (essentially a non. That works well with normal variables but uint8Vect_t(dataBlock. The rules were already more complex than "if it has a name it's an lvalue", since you have to consider the references. add (std::move (ct)); } A forwarding reference can bind to both lvalues and rvalues, but. I am still studying what is the reason in essence in compiler why a non-const reference can not be binded to a rvalue. The first variant returns a reference to the actual value associated with the key test, whereas the second one returns a reference to the map element, which is a pair<const key_type, mapped_type>, i. –The pointer returned by the function cannot be bound to a reference. I believe the relevant Standard paragraph is 8. The second version is only allowed non- const rvalues because you can't implicitly strip const from the referencee and rvalue references don't allow lvalues to bind to them. int & a=fun(); does not work because a is a non-const reference and fun() is an rvalue expression. New rvalue reference rules were set by the C++ specification. You would only need to create such a wrapper if you needed to do things with it that you can't do with C++ objects, such as storing it in an NSArray or. (2023/4/18 現在) 理由は引数の型が non-const reference で. The only way to safely bind an rvalue to an lvalue is either by marking the lvalue as const, or using a mutable rvalue reference && (introduced in C++11 believe?) Alex November 11, 2023 In the previous lesson ( 12. non-const lvalue reference to type 'const int *' cannot bind to a. Consider the following: Products & extensions for Visual Studio. C. If you are unsure what an lvalue expression is, see this answer. So the temporary value_type () will be bound to val and will persist for the duration of the constructor. If the initializer expression. This means the following. A reference to type “cv1 T1” is initialized by an expression of type “cv2 T2” as follows:I can't be bothered to go looking at that code, but. reference to type 'myclass' could not bind to an rvalue of type 'myclass *'. In the case of storing a value, the type can be non-const and the function could modify that object, so the approach is more flexible. Non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue. A non-const reference must be bound to lvalue (i. const A& x = 1; //compile x = 2; //error! A&& xxx = 1; //compile A& xx = 1; //does not compile. Therefore it makes sense that they are mutable. std::is_rvalue_reference<T&&>::valueA temporary can only bind to a reference to a prvalue. They could also bind to rvalues but only when the. e. Hence, B::B (A) will be selected, because there is a conversion from B to A. " followed by a specification of how the result of the conversion is determined. cpp(10): warning C4239: nonstandard extension used : 'argument' : conversion from '<type1>' to '<type2>' 1> A non-const reference may only be bound to an lvalue" only on warning level /W4 or above. Why can't I bind an Rvalue to a non-const Lvalue reference? C++ does not allow binding Rvalues to non-const Lvalue references because Lvalue references can modify the object they are bound to, and Rvalues. name. rvalue Reference Cannot Bind to a Named lvalue. 3. e. My understanding is that this is largely to avoid breaking several enormous legacy codebases that rely on this "extension. Follow. Notably, types of expressions (i. hskoglund last edited by Chris Kawa . [2] Then, the resulting value is placed in a temporary variable of type T. 1. name. Remember Me? Forum; FAQ; Calendar; Forum Actions. e. void checkMe (shared_ptr<string>& param = shared_ptr<string> ()); This MSDN article says it is a /W4 warning. The problem is that a non-const lvalue reference cannot bind to a temporary, which is an rvalue. A temporary can only bind to const lvalue references, or rvalue references. Looks like an X-Y problem. 21. cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type to an rvalue of type. C++/SDL "initial value of reference to a non-const must be an lvalue". 4) const lvalues can be passed to the parameter. I don't get why the make_range function doesn't work unless I remove the View (View<C>& r) constructor. Allowing both rvalues and lvalues to be bound to an lvalue reference makes that impossible. test (const std::string& a): a is const lvalue reference and like before I have lvalue and rvalue. init. In general, when Foo isn't a const type your examples should fail to compile. In the case of int inner(). This program outputs: value = 5 value = 5. In function 'int main()': Line 15: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'std::string&' from a temporary of type 'std::string' compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. 10 is a prvalue expression. Universal references is a technique. 1. Alex November 11, 2023 In the previous lesson ( 12. The question about a potential possibility to change a temporary object using a non-const reference. rvalue Reference Cannot Bind to a Named lvalue. And an rvalue reference is a reference that binds to an rvalue. and not. But since it's a non-const reference, it cannot bind to an rvalue. const A& x = 1; //compile x = 2; //error! A&& xxx = 1; //compile A& xx = 1; //does not compile. int f( int ); int f( int && ); int f( int const & ); int q = f( 3 ); Removing f( int ) causes both Clang and GCC to prefer the rvalue reference over the lvalue reference. Universal reference is not an actual thing, it just means that we the parameter can have either an lvalue reference and rvalue reference type depending on template instantiation (which depends on the supplied argument at the call site). 4 — Lvalue references to const. In fact, in terms of overload resolution, an rvalue prefers to be bound to an rvalue reference than to an lvalue const reference. However, int can be implicitly converted to double and this is happening. Share. Const reference can be bounded to. Oct 10, 2013 at 22:07. It can take rvalues because it is marked const and rvalues are allowed to bind to const lvalue references. qual] or even [conv. – n. . There are better ways to solve your problems. Some similar case give me the reason: The C++ standard does not allow the binding of an anonymous temporary to a reference, although some compilers allow it as an extension. @MichaelKrelin-hacker: Technically not, you cannot (ever) bind a reference to a value (or compile time constant), the standard is quite explicit as to what actually happens: Otherwise, a temporary of type “cv1 T1” is created and initialized from the initializer expression using the rules for a non-reference copy-initialization (8. 1. 5. This operator is trying to return an lvalue reference to a temporary created upon returning from the function: mat2& operator /= ( const GLfloat s. reference to type 'myclass' could not bind to an rvalue of type 'myclass *'. C++. Otherwise. 7. If encodeData() does not change dataBuff then the simplest solution is to take a const & which can bind to a temproary. Temporary objects cannot be bound to non-const references; they can only. an identifier) that resolves to a non-type non-static member of X or of a base class of X, is transformed to a member access. This is old extension to Visual Studio, the only reference I could find on the Microsoft site was this bug report: Temporary Objects Can be Bound to Non-Const References, which has the following example code: struct A {}; A f1 (); void f2 (A&); int main () { f2 (f1 ()); // This line SHALL trigger an error, but it can be compiled. The reference returned from get_value is bound to x which is an l-value, and that's allowed. Take pointers by value -- T const*-- and things are more sane. — Otherwise, the reference shall be an lvalue reference to a non-volatile const type (i. Sorted by: 6. png", 560, 120); int x2 = 560 + 54; int x1 = 560; int y1 = 120; int y2 = 291 + 120; const int * xSolv2 = &x2. Ok, so, I already know that returning a local variable as reference will cause undefined behavior when we try to use it and that we can create a non-const reference to only form a lvalue variable. Here you are taking a reference to a uint8Vect_t. There's no reason to make it a reference. The compiler automatically generates a temporary that the reference is bound to. My guess is that this restriction has historical roots in the C++98 standard where rvalues were limited to temporaries, that were fully managed by the compiler. However, int can be implicitly converted to double and this is happening. e. Your declaration of a is a non-const lvalue reference,. In the above code, getStr(); on line 12 is an rvalue since it returns a temporary object as well as the right-hand side of the expression on line 13. When you pass a pointer by a non- const reference, you are telling the compiler that you are going to modify that. 1. This operator is trying to return an lvalue reference to a temporary created upon returning from the function: A temporary or an rvalue cannot be changed with a reference to non-const. C++ only allows non-const binding of an lvalue to a non-const lvalue reference. Change the declaration of the function GetStart like: Point & GetStart(); Also at least the function GetEnd should be changed like: Point & GetEnd(); You could overload the functions for constant and non-constant objects:It looks like we are actually able to bind temporary object to non-const reference, but only if this object. A usual lvalue reference (to a non-const value) won’t do. int&& x = 10; is a declaration and not an expression. m, where a is an lvalue of type struct A {int m: 3;}) is a glvalue expression: it may be used as the left-hand operand of the assignment operator, but its address cannot be taken and a non-const lvalue reference cannot be bound to it. References to non-pointer values make more sense. The simplest fix is to simply store the temporary object somewhere, first: Collider c=player. . You can change the parameter type to const char* in or const char* const & in if in won't be modified in UTF8toWide() , or use a named variable instead. Taking a constant reference to a temporary extends the life of that temporary to as long as the reference lives, allowing you to access any readable state. MS Visual Studio compilers have allowed binding of non- const references to temporary objects but it is not sanctioned by the standard. There are exceptions, however. A. , cv1 shall be const), or the reference shall be an rvalue. 3. For example, a const lvalue reference should bind to both lvalue and rvalue arguments, and a non-const lvalue reference should bind to a non-const lvalue, but refuse to bind to rvalues and const lvalues. A simple solution is: void foo (MyObject obj) { globalVec. This means the following is illegal: This is disallowed because it would allow us to modify a const variable ( x) through the non-const reference ( ref ). It is unusual to use references to iterators. But in your case the operands are different category (123 is a prvalue, a is an lvalue). I have fixed these issues and completely understand how/why it gives a warning. But instead removing either reference overload results in ambiguity with f( int ). ) Thus the return type is also int&. The warning tells you your code now behaves differently than in earlier versions of Visual C++. How to fix depends on what the return type of cleverConfig. Non-explicit constructors have their uses. c++; Share. Specifically, a const rvalue will prefer to bind to the const rvalue reference rather than the const lvalue reference. However, there is a canonical mapping from the. But doesn't work when instantiated over non class types (as I expected)This change is required by the C++ standard which specifies that a non-const. However, when you use a const reference to a non-const object, you are asking the compiler to not let you modify the object through that particular. A variable is an lvalue, so you are allowed to bind a non const reference to it. It can appear only on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. What you're trying to perform is making a reference to a temporary value which is not allowed. How to fix depends on what the return type of cleverConfig. s. double && does not work for lvalues. struct S {}; f<S {}> (); // ok. Every non-static data member of E must be a direct member of E or the same base class of E, and must be well-formed in the context of the structured binding when named as e. An expression that designates a bit field (e. You must handle the case. @YueZhou Function lvalues may be bound to rvalue references. Both const and non-const reference can be binded to a lvalue. e. This extends the lifetime of the temporary: base * const &rp = (base*)p; Or bind the reference to an lvalue: base * b = p; base * &rp = b; Share. Find more info here. So the first fix is to not use the wrong technique here, and accept by an lvalue reference instead:The simple answer is that you are right in essence. So in your case, you need to rewrite your. )An variable name (which is normally an lvalue) can be moved in a return statement if it names an implicitly movable entity: An implicitly movable entity is a variable of automatic storage duration that is either a non-volatile object or an rvalue reference to a non-volatile object type. inline B& operator<< (B&& b, int) {. I'll try paraphrasing it: In compiler version 2002, if the compiler had the choice if it would transform an object returned by a function to a non-const-reference or another type, it would have chosen the non-const-reference. Similarly, if an lvalue is passed to factory, it is forwarded to T's constructor as an lvalue. Changing it to void display (const double& arg) works because everything works the same as explained above. Am getting cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘Type&’ to an rvalue of type 'Type' The function returns a pointer, which you are trying to bind to a reference. A glvalue may be implicitly converted to a prvalue with lvalue-to-rvalue,. (PS the lifetime of the temporary is extended to the lifetime of the reference. Regarding the second question. C++ prohibits passing a temporary object as a non-const reference parameter. Const reference to temporary object does not extend its lifetime. Both const and non-const reference can be binded to a lvalue. Consider also this: the language has no way of knowing that the lvalue reference returned by the iterator's operator * or the vector's operator[] refers to something whose lifetime is bound to that of. Constant lvalue references can be bound to all types of values, including non-constant lvalues, constant lvalues. It's not against the rules in C++ to use a non-const reference but I think it lends to massive confusion and potential bugs. The best option is to return by copy. Saturday, December 15, 2007 4:49 AM. int & a=fun (); does not work because a is a non-const reference and fun () is an rvalue expression. 3) non-const lvalues can be passed to the parameter. Since the temporary B that's returned by source () is not. T may resolve to different types of reference, but the type trait don't know about references. not an rvalue reference, everything under the sun can be bound by a forwarding reference – Piotr Skotnicki. Note that obj in g is also an lvalue expression; if the expression is a name for an object, then it's an lvalue. As a reader pointed out, if g() returned const int instead of const T, the output would be different. However, now you've got a temporary A, and that cannot bind to a, which is a non-const lvalue reference. doesn't that mean that an rvalue ref is an lvalue. The code below is not legal (problem with the foo_t initializer list) because: "A reference that is not to 'const' cannot be bound to a non-lvalue" How can I best achieve an. Constness of captured reference.